Critical Race Theory is a Deadly Idea

Critical Race Theory is a Deadly Idea

It turns Americans against each other and encourages them to lose faith in their own country. Instead of celebrating America’s Founding Ideals, Critical Race Theory teaches young Americans that their nation is founded on hatred and racism.  

Competing Pandemic Projections Driving You Mad?

Competing Pandemic Projections Driving You Mad?

As we think about the influence of computerized epidemiological models on our lives these days, we might think back to the old joke, “If you’re a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail.” The hammer, of course, is big data, and we humans are the nails.

Death of the Dinner Party?

Death of the Dinner Party?

Over the last two decades, research has confirmed that family dining is a powerful predictor of how children will develop. A family meal around the dinner table is good for the soul, intellectual development, and overall health of each family member.

Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan

Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was an American politician who served as the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989 and became a highly influential voice of modern conservatism.